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The Reed College of Media and College of Creative Arts will merge to form the new WVU College of Creative Arts and Media as of July 1, 2024. Get details.

Morgan Branson

Morgan Branson

MS - Integrated Marketing Communications

Moorefield, WV

Job Title
Public Relations Manager

Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College

Why did you choose the WVU Integrated/Data Marketing Communications program?
I chose the IMC program because I knew I wanted to continue my education in marketing and it was a perfect fit! I took the introductory course during my senior year at WVU so I was able to get a feel for the program before actually enrolling. The online learning format allowed me to continue working while working towards my degree. The course setup, advising, and professors were all outstanding!

What was your favorite course in the master's degree program?
I enjoyed all of my courses, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be IMC Campaigns (IMC 636) because I was able to put everything I learned throughout the program together into a campaign that could be used in real life for a multi-billion dollar company.

What do you hope this degree does for your career (promotion, dream job, start your own company, etc)?
I hope this degree will not only advance my career but also allow me to help local businesses in my area understand the impact and importance of integrated marketing communications (especially my favorite - digital and social media) through consulting and freelance work and be able to eventually be able to start my own business!

In 15 words or fewer, how would you describe the program to a friend?
The IMC program is challenging but extremely exciting and rewarding!