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The Reed College of Media and College of Creative Arts will merge to form the new WVU College of Creative Arts and Media as of July 1, 2024. Get details.


WVU students will host the second annual CreateAthon@WVU event on November 11 at 2 p.m. and end November 12 at 2 p.m. at Martin Hall.

CreateAthon@WVU is a 24-hour creative blitz coordinated by Reed College of Media students in partnership with United Way. The event provides students the opportunity to work with professional mentors and offer free creative services to select 501c(3) nonprofit organizations in Monongalia and Preston Counties. WVU is proud to be a CreateAthon partner and is looking forward to giving back to three nonprofit organizations, including: Preston County Workshop, The Shack Neighborhood House, and Scott’s Run Settlement House.

CreateAthon@WVU offers students the opportunity to develop creative talents and learn to collaborate as well as lead teams and projects, all while gaining experience with real clients. The work that is created by the students can then be used in personal portfolios. For additional information, to view materials created by WVU students at the past CreateAthon@WVU visit