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Washington Media Scholars Foundation to hold Media Plan Case Competition.

The Media Plan Case Competition represents the cornerstone and the entry-level for the Media Scholars Program. It challenges students to think strategically, take advantage of original methods of communication, and dive into the deep-end of marketing impressions, numbers and budgets.

The Qualifying Round

The top 20% of qualification round entries — a maximum of 30 teams — will be invited to participate in the 2013 Media Plan Case Competition. Of the 30 teams, six will be chosen to compete in Washington, D.C. for the National Excellence in Media Award and $10,000 in scholarships.

The qualifying round includes a brief introduction to the basics of media planning and allows judges to determine those who have the skills to complete and submit a competitive media plan. During this round of the competition, students may work either individually or as a team of two.

Case Competition

Teams of two have four weeks to create a strategic media plan based on a hypothetical special election referendum issue. Students work with actual, real-world, data from leading national research and ratings firms to create a media plan that will make the most effective impressions on their target voter. At first the $4 million seems like more than enough, but broken down over several months, the relatively small allocation presents a challenge.

We realize that some students may not have the knowledge or background necessary to create an in-depth strategic media plan. That’s why we have created a step-by-step guide to participation, a suggested reading list and an online tutorial.

Now all students, regardless of academic interest, have the opportunity to truly engage in this challenge; and potentially reach the nation’’s capital for Media Scholars Week.

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