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Commission for LGBTQ Equity seeks student interns -- academic credit available

WVU’s Commission for LGBTQ Equity is seeking one or more student interns (undergraduate or graduate) for the fall semester. Interns will earn 1 – 3 academic credits in Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 491), based on approximately 3 hours per week per academic credit, from September through December. Duties will include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1) Develop and communicate information about events and activities associated with the Commission through their website and social media

2) Help coordinate and promote Commission meetings, events and programs

3) Design brochures, announcements and other publicity for events and activities

4) Promote the Commission and its mission through effective organization skills and communication with University administrators, faculty, staff and students.

The Commission for LGBTQ Equity seeks to assess and improve the climate for diversity, equity and inclusion within the WVU community by highlighting the contributions and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students, faculty and staff. This is accomplished through review of climate, policies, programs and procedures and through the development, promotion, and advocacy of collaborative partnerships and programs with other campus and community offices and affinity groups. The Commission is committed to fostering diversity and an inclusive culture at West Virginia University in which all Mountaineers are visible, safe, supported, and have equitable access to all University programs, services and policies, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

For additional information contact Brian Jara, Co-chair, Commission for LGBTQ Equity at brian.jara@mail.wvu.eduApplication deadline is 4pm on Thursday, August 28. The online application is available at